Editor's Page
Two Argentine politicians, Pedro and Pablo, are drinking in a Buenos
Aires bar and lamenting their country�s lamentable situation. Suddenly Pedro
says, �I got an idea.� �Ideas are a dime a dozen,�
Pablo retorts. ����������� �But this one is
brilliant.� ����������� �Bueno, let�s hear
it, genius.� ����������� �We declare war on
the United States,� Pedro says. ����������� �What?� Pablo
exclaims, �are you nuts?� ����������� �Didn�t you ever hear
of the Marshall Plan?� Pedro snaps his fingers at the barman and points to
his empty glass. ����������� �Sure. What about
it?� ����������� �Look at Germany and
Japan. They lost the war and afterwards the United States, who won, gave them
millions and millions of dollars.� ����������� Pablo stares at his
friend in admiration and wonder and points to his own glass. ����������� �Get it?� Pedro says. ����������� Pablo has his mouth
open to answer, but stops and shakes his head. �I don�t know, it would be
very dangerous.� ����������� �Of course we�d lose
a few thousand soldiers and a city of two, but�� ����������� �No, I don�t mean
that,� Pablo interrupts him. ����������� �What do you
mean then?� ����������� Pablo downs his
whiskey and says: �What if we win?� ����������� � I first heard this story sometime in the late sixties, so it would
seem that things haven�t changed that much. But they have, in some
ways for the worse, in others for the better. A couple of decades ago the
situation Argentina is going through now would have resulted in a military
coup. Because of the military having been completely discredited due to its
last regime, ending in the eighties, during which 30,000 people were �disappeared�
and the Falkland Islands war lost, this is no longer a conceivable option.
That is for the better.� Argentina finally made the front pages of the world�s newspapers and
TV screens, and no wonder. How many countries can boast of having had five
presidents in two weeks? The reason the duly elected president fell was that
the people finally got fed up with his stupidity and his Economy Minister�s
fanatical adherence to an economic model that simply didn�t work, resulting
in forty per cent of the population having sunk under the poverty live,
unemployment at over twenty per cent, rampaging crime. The model is
neo-classical free market globalization. The people took to the streets
clanging pots and pans, the police overreacted, people were killed, property
destroyed. Because of a run on the banks, withdrawals were blocked in order
to prevent the collapse of the financial system. The fifth president, an old school Peronist, Eduardo Duhalde, took office
yesterday and has his work cut out for him. In his inaugural address he was
at least honest: �Argentina is broken and at the limit of its endurance�� A
so-called government of national salvation � the other major parties
promising collaboration � was formed. A factor of extreme importance remains
to be solved. Ten years ago, during a period of galloping inflation, the same
Economy Minister who was responsible for the current disaster initiated the
�Convertibility Law� under which the Argentine peso was tied to the U.S.
dollar at a one-to-one exchange rate � and it survived until this week. At
the moment the dollar is being quoted on the �parallel� exchange market at
1.40. When originally begun, convertibility stopped inflation. However, as
the neighboring countries� currencies gradually devalued in relation to the
dollar, the Argentine 1 to 1 exchange rate became a straightjacket holding
prices too high and destroying the export market. This, in my opinion, was
the principle cause of the current debacle.�
When I worked in the airline business, it often happened that the
Brazilian currency devalued more than the Argentine one. The result was that
almost all tickets for transportation originating in Argentina were sold in
Brazil. When the reverse occurred (the Argentine currency devaluing more than
the Brazilian), sales of tickets for trips originating in Brazil were sold in
Argentina. The market will always seek the cheapest price for the same
product, and in Latin America this is determined by the exchange rate. The
airlines finally solved the problem by �dollarizing� the price of all tickets
sold in South America. Argentina has been toying with the idea of exclusively
using the U.S. currency and dumping the peso completely. Cooler heads,
however, realize that this would only tighten the straightjacket. All
airlines sell in dollars, but far from all South American countries are
willing to dollarize their economies, and if all don�t do it, it won�t work.
Devaluing the currency will make certain people, such as the banks and
multinational giants � and the pressure exerted by them is intense � most
unhappy, but it must be done. It would be easy to blame the IMF, globalization and �certain foreign
interests� for the Argentine disaster, as more than a few are doing.
Certainly the IMF bears a goodly share of the blame as it encouraged
Argentine economic policies during the past ten years, before abandoning the
country a month ago. Globalization as such is here to stay, but the question
is how a weak, inefficient economy can appease the monster and at the same
time avoid collapse. An Argentine politician (out of power) called the last
ten years of government here an �ineptocracia�. The people are calling for an
end to corruption, including a demand for the resignation of the entire
Supreme Court. We can only hope that Argentina will have learned its lesson
and can somehow at least reduce the levels of corruption and ineptitude and
rise up from the ashes.�� In this page in the last issue of SCR I questioned the wisdom of the
United States� bellicose reaction to the World Trade Center disaster. It
looks like I was wrong, because the war in Afghanistan has certainly been
successful. It now remains to be seem what the more far-reaching effects of
the success will be, and to what extent international terrorism has really
been defeated. Will the world community help the destitute and therewith
avoid future conflicts? Will the neo-Darwinist economic policies be
re-thought and replaced by something fraternal and sustainable?��� � FTS |