Southern Cross Review

Review of fiction, education, science, current events,
essays, book reviews, movie reviews, poetry and Anthroposophy

Number 39, February 2005

"Madonna" - Edvard Munch

"I've always had three chairs in my house - one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society."
Henry Thoreau - Walden

"Physically we want to be and stay citizens of our time, for it cannot be otherwise; but spiritually it is the prerogative and the duty of the philosopher and the poet to belong to no people and to no time, but in the true sense of the word to be contemporaries of all times."
Friedrich Schiller (to Jacobi)

With the apparent succcess of the Iraqi election, we have been asked to write an "objective" editorial (a.k.a. less Buch-bashing) - for a change. See "Editor's Page" for the half-hearted attempt.

An excerpt from Ute Craemer's "Favela Children" (available as a Southern Cross Review Ebook) and a famous MLK are offered this month under Politics and Society. The both speak of the social injustce, in different places and different times, and what can be done about it. Not only theoretically, for they both practiced what the preached. In the same rubric, Bill Moyers writes fo the need to practice "the science of the heart" instead of fundamentalism.

Whenever you see the name Noam Chomsky you know that no punches will be held back. Along with his interview, we are presenting one with Munch's "The Scream" who, despite having been stolen from the museum, is still vocal.

In the aftermath of the tsunami, we all wonder what such natural disasters mean in the cosmic context. One of the Rudolf Steiner lectures under "Anthroposophy" goes a long way toward answering that question.

As usual our "Features" section jumps all over the place as far as subject is concerned. Erik Davis reports on the secret life and motivations of the great science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. Craig Seligman contributes a fond and elequent goodbye to Susan Sontag. Michael Ventura informs us about the surprising spiritual meaning of Carnaval. And Walter Wink reveals his original take on Jesus' intentions.. Under "Science and Technology" Don Cruse combines science and philosophy to preent his usual erudite conclusons.

"Fiction" continues our two serialized novels, along with shorts by Gaither Stewart and the Brothers Grimm.

George M. Young's excellent translations of Aleksandr Blok and several other Russian poets grace the "poetry" section. Look for more in the next issue.

If you would like to download the pdf version of SCR (easier to read and print), click HERE. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader.

You can find us under the Southern Cross constellation in the Traslasierra Valley, Province of Córdoba, Argentina. Visitors always welcome. Just follow the sign that reads: La Cruz del Sur. See you next time.

Frank Thomas Smith, editor
[email protected]

Jo Ann Schwartz, associate editor
[email protected]

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Table of Contents

Editor's Page

A Single Shot

Politics & Society

A Brazilian Diary
Ute Craemer

Beyond Vietnam:
A Time to Break Silence

Martin Luther King

There is No Tomorrow
Bill Moyers


Civilization & Barbarism
Noam Chomsky

Edvard Munch's
"The Scream"


Mephistopheles & Earthquakes
Rudolf Steiner

The Being of Anthroposophy

Rudolf Steiner


Philip K. Dick's
Divine Interference

Erik Davis

Fire and Ice
(Susan Sontag)

Craig Seligman

Carne Vale

Michael Ventura

Jesus as Trickster Rebel

Walter Wink

Science & Technology

Freedom, Authority &
"The Faithful Thinker"

Don Cruse


Miryam - 7
Luise Rinser

The Frequent Flyer - 9
Frank Thomas Smith

Life Without Love
Gaither Stewart

Brothers Grimm


The Unknown Lady
Aleksandr Blok
& other Russian Poets

George M. Young - trans.