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������ Para una cubana


��� Poes�a dulce y m�stica,

busca a la blanca cubana

que se asom� a la ventana

como una visi�n art�stica.


��� Misteriosa y cabal�stica,

puede dar celos a Diana,

con su faz de porcelana

de una blancura eucar�stica.


��� Llena de un prestigio asi�tico,

Roja, en el rostro enigm�tico,

Su boca p�rpura finge


��� y al sonre�rse vi en ella

el resplandor de una estrella

que fuese alma de esfinge.�����


����� For a Cuban Girl


��� Poetry sweet and mystic,

seeks la Cubana fair

who from a window stared,

like a vision artistic.


��� Mysterious and cabalistic,

she'd make Diana envy,

with her countenance of ivory

of a whiteness eucharistic.


��� Full of prestige asiatic,

red, in her face enigmatic,

her mouth did purple feign


��� and when she smiled I saw
the radiance of a star

as a sphinx�s soul would reign.


By Rub�n Dar�o

Translation: Frank Thomas Smith


Rub�n Dar�o (Metapa, Nicaragua, 1867 � Le�n, Nicaragua, 1916)

Es considerado el patriarca de la moderna poes�a espa�ola por la influencia que su poes�a ha ejercido en poetas espa�oles e hispanoamericanos modernos.


He is considered the father of modern Spanish poetry because of the influence his poetry has had on Spanish and Latin-American modern poets.