Letters to the editor

RE: Knock on Wood

Frank, I remembered the title Knock On Wood. Just read it. Really a good story and also entertaining.


Gaither Stewart




RE: Love in the time of Spies

Fucking awesome! I loved it.  I like the genre, and then there�s the added twist of trying to figure out just how autobiographical it is.

I read it in one sitting and must read it again.  when I�m reading something exciting, I sometimes start skimming, and like a fast-paced movie, I kinda need to go back and watch it again to see what I missed.

it�s not perfect � I do have some criticisms, but I�ll let you bask in the glory of praise and adoration before I tear you apart.

Seriously, though, I really enjoyed it and think it�s a terrific piece of writing.  what have you done with it?

Robert Cohen

New York


RE: To Hunt a Nazi

Very nice short stories, Frank!
I enjoyed a lot!
Cristiano M Gallep BR

I love your stories. Keep them coming. Thanks

Mara Beckett




RE: Karmic Relations

Lieber Frank,

f�r Deinen Hinweis, bzw. die �bermittlung des Letzten Vortrags aus Karma Vortr�ge Band II danke ich Dir. Ich werde den Vortrag bei meinem Aufenthalt in I � Cavaglio lesen. Ich habe diesen Band ohnedies im Gep�ck, da ich den 7.Vortrag f�r mein Seminar in Kroatien (Menschenbeziehungen fruchtbar gestalten) brauche. In diesem Vortrag ist eine Karma �bung sehr genau beschrieben. Dieser Vortrag ist als Einzelvortrag in der Reihe Impulse erschienen unter dem Titel �Die gro�e Karma�bung�. Ich empfehle  allen Empf�ngern dieses Schreibens, die Karma�bung zu studieren.

 Herzlichen Gru�
Michael Schreyer

Dear Frank,

Thanks for publishing my letter. Thanks also for all the work you are doing to make Steiner more available to more people. I have nothing but admiration for what you are doing here - part of the work of truth-telling that is so important to me also.

I also like most of your nudes .... ! A good way, apart from their own artistic merit, of dispelling the notion some might have that anthroposophy is stuffy, conservative, 'weltfremd' and even 'asexual'.

Best regards,

Paul Carline


RE: The Meaning of Meaninglessness

All I can think of to tell you right now is that I really like your thinkingness about meaninglessness.

Kendall Weaver
