E-books: science, education, anthroposophy, spiritual themes in general, fiction, science fiction, children�s books. If you have a book that you think is very good, we�d be glad to have a look. Please send an outline and 2 or 3 chapters as a Word e-mail attachment. Our e-books are free, but we ask readers to send a donation of $2. When such donations are received, the author receives 50% royalty. E-books are edited and converted to pdf (Abobe Acrobat) format.
�Magazine: Same subjects as above as articles or stories. We regret that no payment can be made. Again, only as e-mail attachments please.
Submissions are welcome and everything received is read and responses are forthcoming as soon as possible. If you don�t hear anything within two weeks of submission, please remind us. We don�t mind.
Send to: [email protected]
Frank Thomas Smith