Letters to the Editor

RE: Ways of looking at a Virus by Jon McAlice and Craig Holdrege

Thank you for disseminating this article, Frank. Craig and Jon do an excellent job presenting a holistic view of the facts and cite the appropriate scientific and philosophic literature to frame those facts. I appreciate their avoidance of dogmatism.

Edward Tazer Myers

Thank you so much for sharing this!

Laura Rudish

RE: The foundation of Morality by Rudolf Steiner

I have just read the conference about Francis of Asisi and find it enormously interesting. Thank you so much. I believe that what humanity is going through now is something similar. When I return in 400 years or so perhaps it will all be quite clear. I would love to  read the rest of Steiner's lectures in connection with this one. I don't have them.  Thank you. All the best,

Shirley Anderson


RE: The Drone Cometh by Frank Thomas Smith

Hi Frank, In Dutch is a saying "too far from our bed". It's difficult to understand the suffering of the vets and even more the suffering of the people who are being bombed and humiliated day after day for years and it is easy to not feel responsible for the horrors of war. Nice poem. I remember the drone attack to the wedding.

Thank you for bringing it back to my mind.

Antonio Romeu

RE: Esoteric Lessons for the First Class .… by Rudolf Steiner

From a most grateful reader, we are very grateful for your work in posting this lecture from the First Class. For years I had wondered what was so special about the First Class. Now I have something to work with in my meditations - I am so thankful for your presence and your gifts.… 

Therese Osborne

RE: Brown Girl Creed by Barbara Jane Reyes

Lovely to read and think about. Though I was born white and blond, but hazel -eyed, there was a wonderful hint from one of my grandmothers who was born on a reservation, yet never mentioned, that hinted to a skin color I easily acquired by spending time outside,especially in the summer when I became very toasty brown and kept this color long into winter into spring for all these 77 years. I am brown, too, and cook like my mothers.

Kendall Weaver

RE: Letters to the Editor SCR 138

Awesome. You have a stellar set of readers

Raun Griffiths

RE: SouthernCrossReview.org weekly articles


I am really enjoying reading your archival articles. It was difficult for me to read a whole magazine full of big long texts, but this is just right week by week. Keep it coming!


Zoroastrian student

Gracias estimado Frank por tus valiosos envíos. Yo tengo hace mucho tiempo en nuestra biblioteca : Rudolf Steiner, aspects of his spiritual world view. Anthroposophy volume 1. Roy Wilkinson. Un gran tesoro que necesito releer y meditar más a menudo.

Silvia Martini