Letters to the Editor

RE: Anthroposophia Today

This is a wonderfully inspiring and enlightening interview!

McDermott challenges us, indeed, urges us, to take Steiner’s insights, not as dogma, but as springboards into new realities which are emerging in our time.

His comments on the unique paradox of the American experiment in multiculturalism are especially timely and compelling.

Steiner’s teachings passed down to us were by necessity limited by the strictures of the German language of the early 20th century.

Our task, McDermott says, is to take up the impulses behind those teachings, and bring them to bear on the plurality of spiritual traditions which are now coming to the fore in contemporary consciousness, a kind of post-Orientalism, as Edward Said might have it. (from Emerging World)

RE: Breathe

So beautiful, so perfect - thank you for putting my feelings into words

Courtney Chapman

RE: Intrusion

Dear Frank,

this was quite a story. Everyone to their beliefs, right? Sharina believed that the best funeral for her grandma was putting her corpse into a stone mausoleum. She made it happen, it was quite a feet. She honoured her grandma, because she believed this is the best way to express her respect and gratitude towards her. My only remark is that it was strange to read it in an anthroposohical review :) In the story, Sharina was offered the option of free cremation of her grandma. That would have been the easiest, and most spiritual solution... But that is just my boring anthroposophist self speaking :)


Norbert Hanny

RE: Judith von Halle interview

I was happy to find this interview that allowed Judith von Halle such freedom and openness to explain her life and work, and a small window into what stands behind all of this. Of course many things in life  changed rapidly during the years since the interview, and others seem to remain thee same.  But what is the same hides the banality of evil, and I think this writer has lived and done her work well!

 Felice UK

RE: The Other Me

Dear Frank,

Great story. Thanks for sharing. Vienna is very close to my Hungarian hometown (I was brought up in Sopron), only 75 km away. So we were very close physically during the cold war :)

Cheers, Norbert Hanny

Nice story here, Mr. Smith.

You were able to bring forth a strong feeling of Vienna (though I've never been there), and simultaneously create this otherworldly auru here in the present moment--

Martin Kemple

RE: Renascence

Good morning, Frank:

Thanks for sending this through! Millay is one of the greats. I first encountered her in high school when I had to write a paper on her. It's sad that her critical reputation has take a hit in recent decades. Her best work (like this) is truly for the ages.

Take care!

-Mike Winter