Letters to the Editor

RE: Breathe by Becky Hemsley

I was sitting here in the dark listing out all tasks not completed - all the life moments touching my heart - saddened by the closing of a favorite place and the loss of friends - when someone on PBS read this poem. Thank you dear stranger who has become a friend I do not know. You spoke to my heart in a manner that gave me pause to listen.

Thank you for this gift to a stranger who needed “Breathe” in her soul.

Kristi Dinell

RE: Trump or Biden On Israel by Bob Dreyfuss

I didn’t read to the end your article on the Trump/Biden candidacies. To read about them, and those who stand behind them, is like reading porn or stuff that should get you a fail in elementary school. Utter mind pollution. The struggle for a solution will go on, regardless of the incompetence of either candidate which took 350 million people to put where they are - unless they didn’t, of course. So much for democracy. F… that! Things are a changing now anyway; the old imperial hegemony, that colonial mindset of old, NATO is breaking. BRICS is looking up. So, relative to what is on offer internationally, a narrow viewing of US mental death policy is perhaps growing less relevant than many are still thinking, esp. in the inward looking US. I hardly recognize it; it ain’t my place, no sir.

Nick Maync-Matsumoto



 But I am devastated by Biden’s approach and creation of this horrible mess. I don’t believe Trump would do any better, though he might do something different. His soul deep corruption, dishonesty and on and on make me want to vomit on him.  This is a rotten choice to have to make, but I/we are going with Biden.

Barbara Fox

RE: Frank is Always Right by Hernán Melana

I love this. Ah, qué tributo más bonito!

Jim Lowe

RE: Exile's End - a Memoir by Frank Thomas Smith

I loved Lai's part, thanks for sharing.

I will never forget him, a great father. I did not remember him ever wearing a watch!

Tiny input you may already know: When I was in primary school Lai kept a stone from San Marcos he would turn over in the middle of the night. He did that for a year, after that the stone was supposed to have "power". 

2nd tidbit: Marcos told me every time he showed up at your post-IATA office, they caught you and Lai playing chess. Final tiny correction: Vegetarian Lai lived up to 93 yrs old (96 yrs appear twice in your memoir). Born Apr 29, 1929, dide June 2022

Aivars Holms


Lieber Frank, heute kam dein buch, ich werde es verschlingen....…

So bin ich  beruhigt, denn die letzte Geschihte FRANK IS ALWAYS RIGHT gab mir die Zweifel,ob du noch lebst oder ob der AutorHernan  jetzt die SCR weiterbetreibt und UEBER dich scheibt.….

Es lebe Frances!!!

Ute Craemer


Dear Cousin,

Congratulations on an impressive effort! Letting the world know who you are, wanting to be sure you’re not forgotten too quickly is a good endeavor, I think. I address those issues with my paintings and drawings. And some writing. To gather files, photographs and memories, to consider what should be included and what should not be included, what should be emphasized, what to include and what to leave out or expunge, how you want to organize all that, what you want people to know or think about you is overwhelming. I don’t think I want to do that. After I'm gone the people who matter to me will think about me for an awhile, I guess, perhaps through the three generations that already exist and that will be the end of me.

Your memoir brought me face to face with all the thoughts about such things; work you did to install Steiner’s philosophy and world view into being. All the people you met with, argued with, convinced to agree with you and old Mr.S. All the children who were introduced to learning, thinking, dance and art his way. Very admirable. Very time consuming, very mind consuming. I hope you are pleased with result of all that effort. I am very impressed! I hope you are pleased with your effort! Are you?

Just a couple of things surprised me; So little reference to family and children. Virtually no reference to Renate, or your other children. Were they surprised about that? That absence disturbed me. I am glad you wrote warmly about Maria Teresa. You attended lots of meetings, but you had time to create a family along the way. It just indicates a lack of connection and even respect. Or perhaps the memoir wasn’t meant to be a personal story, rather a story of your struggles and challenges in the world of Anthroposophy. I have not meant to criticize, but I am a little bewildered by parts of your book.

Much love,

Barbara [Fox]

RE: The Fuming Salamander by Frank Thomas Smith

Muito legal!!!!

Ute Craemer



Raun Griffiths