Letters To The Editor - Issue 161

RE: The Artificial Anthroposophical Society

Dear Frank

Thank you for sending your paper. I think that it is very good, not exaggerated, and certainly not too harsh. You are above all posing questions rather than passing judgments, but the questions alone point to the unclarity -- the lack of consciousness -- that weaves through all of the ahrimanic aspects of the Society as an organization, legal entity, institution, and so on. I hope that what you have written finds a wider audience, although I think that the history that you are trying to clarify may be hopelessly muddled by now.

I joined the GAS in 1972 with the encouragement of Dr Paul Scharff. My wife and I had been studying Steiner independently for four years, and when we became coworkers at the Fellowship Community Paul told me that as a member I would be able to become a helpful presence in the ASA. (I, too, have a card signed by Rudolf Grosse.) In the early 80s I was invited to lead a workshop at the big conference held in Spring Valley in which several Vorstand members visited the USA for the first time and spoke about the need for another Geotheanum on our continent. I can't say that I was very impressed with those lectures, nor was I deeply moved by the many communications that came from Dornach. I also had many, many conversations with elderly residents of the Fellowship who had known Steiner personally, some of whom had been present at the formation of the real Society and who shared with me the conflicts of the Frau Doktor and Ita Wegman and Albert Steffen and the labyrinthine complications that led to the present state of affairs.

For a number of reasons, I withdrew from the ASA (and the GAS) at the turn of the century. For some hidden bureaucratic reason, Dornach and the ASA still treat me like a member, and I continue to be invited by groups and branches to give anthroposophical lectures. I try to stay informed, via Das Goetheanum and reports from conference-going friends, of the Society's activities, and I do not have any regrets about working independently.

In short, I deeply appreciate your own efforts to work with Anthroposophy as a Michaelite and a member of the brotherhood of free spirits. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.

With warm Advent wishes,

Eugene Schwartz

RE: Artificial Anthroposophical Society Good article Frank Thomas.  Since becoming a member in 1990, I always wondered why things weren't working. 

Raun Griffith


Dear Frank,

it is a very interesting story. However, a more important reason behind the present (shameful) state of any antroposophical society is simply the level of consciousness of us. You know the 'cosmic gossip': Manas will only begin in 3573, that is more than 1500 years from now, and without 'It' (i.e. initiated people), our fine organizations lack the only purpose they were made for: the Spirit (Self).

Cheers, Norbert Hanny


Was not the Gelebte Weinachs Tage  a continuation of this ? The GAS lost, and the building verein won. A lot of members lost Class membership. I have wondered how the GAS paid off its fine.   

Jennny Floch



After reading I was kind of surprised you didn't go a bit further with your story. Wasn't something done a few years ago to try and undue some of the mess and where members participated in a vote on a reorganization of some kind? Since so little communication and discussion took place in this country, I really didn't know the issues or why the vote was necessary. Only that there was another group who were protesting and they were basically overruled by the vote. 

I have a Anthroposophical membership card 1991 from ASIA which has the same symbol as on your card. It is essentially the same message.

I have a First Class membership card 1995 on which the symbol has been changed but essentially acknowledges my membership. Both signed for the Goetheanum by Manfred Brabant.  

Both have on the reverse the card return conditions.

Best wishes,

Karrl Auffhammer


I really appreciated the article, the history I was not aware of, and of course appreciate many earlier postings. Thank you,

David Mallie


Dear  Frank,

Another wonderful article in Southern Cross Review. I thought the two "Jesus Children" was complicated! Seems easier than the convolution of actions by both societies. Perhaps we could get rid of the circular firing squad that seems operate in the society and get back to the original task: saving humanity. I would suggest there is enough you could serialize the initial article with discussion of some of the egregious actions taken in the name of anthroposophy. Jim Stewart, the founder of the RS Archives has a plethora of information.

I wish you a Holy Season and New Year filled with Light, Laughter and Love.

Susas Mohler


My personal viewpoint of the State of the Anthoposophical Movement:

Give to us, we deserve it,
Give us all your money!
If you do, and when you do,
Your future will be sunny!
Tell me quickly, I can't wait,
About what Steiner said!
I'm real busy, I need to know,
What all was in his head!
Material things are the rule
Gimme, gimme, and ...
There are those in charge, now,
Disciples of Ayn Rand!
I think Steiner was on drugs!
That he must have been
Got no real proof, I'm just sayin'
I got this from within!
In Dornach they are squabbling, too.
Who has all the rights?
This sets a fine example ...
The territorial fights!
This is what is out there,
An Ahrimanic trap.
Set by his damned minions,
To fill us full of crap!
Yes, it's there, and yes I care, and
I don't mean to complain ...
But the Anthroposophical Movement,
Is being taken down the drain!

James D. Stewart


Muchas gracias por el articulo Frank Thomas Smith, ahora empiezo a ver claras muchas cosas.

Gracia Muñoz

“Para quienes elegimos vivir en Antroposofía, el Goetheanum debe estar en nuestro interior.”


Girija Wzk

RE: Anthroposophy: An (eyebrow lifting) Introduction

Dear Frank,

Thanks a lot for all your patience and faith in trying to enlighten anthroposophy for your readers.

I have a very small group of friends to study readings and writings by Steiner. Here in Curaçao, Caribbean (although still part of the Dutch Kingdom).

I tried to start a small Steiner School, but still do not succeed.

Keep writing! please

Thankful greetings (Dutch and Papiamentu are my languages, sorry for wrong English vocabulary or sentence structure)

Jeroen Heuvel


Dear Frank,

  1. I think the expression "spiritual science" is not correct. How can a science be spiritual? My wording is "science of the spirit", which is a literal translation of Geisteswisseschaft. Giestes is genitive, and not an adjective. In the latter case, it would have been geistige Wissenchaft. But I prefer using Anthroposophy, because whenever the general public reads or hears "science something", they will immediately compare with natural science.

  2. "[Reincarnation and Karma] But it is neither accepted nor even considered by Christian churches or western philosophy. "

It happens that reincarnation is absolutely clear in Mathew 11:14: John the Baptist was a reincarnation of Elijah

For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come. 

The Churches ignore this. They had to do it, otherwise mankind would not separate itself from the spirit and develop free will.

  1. “Ah, but the resurrection is described in the Gospels and that is proof enough for the priests and the faithful.””

One has to distinguish incorporation (Christ into Jesus lower organization), incarnation (at birth) and resurrection (what happened after the crucifixion). 

  1. “If you decide that you need concrete (material) evidence that something exists...”

Ask a materialist to prove that he is thinking on something, or he is having a sensation (the taste of a fruit) or a feeling (liking or disliking that taste), or that he is feeling hungry, that is making someone having HIS thoughts, feelings and willing. This is all occult, so materialists are occult! Note that electrical impulses in the brain are NOT the thoughts, feelings and willing.

  1. “As I write, genocidal murder is still going on in Gaza, Israel.”

V.W.S.: This is an empty accusation implying that the Israeli army is killing people on purpose. You cannot prove it. But it is a fact that the Khamas hide themselves among the population, hospitals and what not,and, against international law, do not use army clothes. So how to distinguish them from civilians? By their by-laws, Israel should be destroyed. What would you do if you were the Israeli government? More civilians in Gaza could have been spared? Nobody knows. Also, take into account that the Khamas lies ostensively. Nobody knows how many civilians died. It's a pity that you have mixed politics with Anthroposophy.

  1. The Nature of Man

See my text: https://www.ime.usp.br/~vwsetzer/const1-eng.htm

  1. If you were to take the time to compare the Luke Gospel with the Matthew Gospel,  See my compilation of the two at https://www.ime.usp.br/~vwsetzer/diffs-Luke-Matthew.pdf

  2. “Because the future king of the Jews was not born in a stable”

Actually the Matthew Jesus was born in a house, see Matthew 2:11:
And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother,

Valdemar W. Setzer

RE: Reincarnation Blues

Dear Frank,

Your Cantos are great, but that is no news.
A new genre is invented: 'Reincarnation Blues'.
Keep at them, till your Wheels of Dharma are turning,
And forgive me this 'feedback' - I know it's concerning!

Cheers, Norbert Hanny

RE: Breathe

Good morning, Becky. I saw your poem on Facebook today and immediately sent it out to all the beautiful women in my life – daughters, and friends. I also have a friend who is offering a course called: The Paradox of Value: Redefining Worth as a Woman. I have sent it to her to include as a lovely reflection during the course.

I am studying for my Spiritual Direction Certification – and have printed your poem for use with my directees. It speaks of the beauty of silence and the wonder of God’s creation. It also reminds us that we should not look for feedback and acclaim from those in this world – but keep our eyes focused on God. It is His opinion that matters and we often hear His voice in His creation.  

Thank you for a beautiful and thought-provoking poem. I am an engineer who is just now discovering the wonder of poetry. You are truly gifted. Thank you. 

Elizabeth Pietrantonio

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

RE: Christmas: a Festival of Inspiration

Thank you, Frank. Much needed inspiration in a time of turmoil.  Christmas blessings to you and yours,

Jennifer C. Yates


So in the southern temperate regions we could consider it more appropriate to celebrate these births during the shortest days and longest nights of our year ‐ namely from 23 June for 13 nights until 7 July? 


RE: How the Donkey Got Its Cross

Lovely story, disarming, thank you

Jeroen Heuvel

RE: SCR 225th anniversary issue

Dear Frank,

Congratulations for your dedicated work for over a quarter of a century! Another quarter, and you are good to go :)

Cheers, Norbert Hanny

PS.: I had the privilege to personally interpret for Judith von Halle, 3 weeks ago, in Budapest. It really was an uplifting experience, which I expected, but in a totally unexpected way. Her behaviour was simple, natural, very human in every sense of the word. She was one of us - still, the whole circle of people kind of became ONE somehow. Anyway :)