The SouthernCross Review e-Book Library
The SouthernCross Review has
expanded into e-book publishing. This is a process, so our library
is still small, but growing.
E-books have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that you can get books that otherwise might
not have been available at all. Or, if they were, you might not have
known of their existence. All books published by SCR are also recommended
by us - as opposed to some e-publishers who literally accept anything. Another indisputable advantage is price. A book that might cost $20 - $30 in print will only cost between 2 and 4 dollars as an e-book - or it might even be free (see below).
The disadvantages are that you either have to read
a whole book on the screen or print
it out. This isn't the same as having a nicely bound "real"
book in your hands when you sit before the fireplace. Well, if you have
a fireplace, you can also read an e-book there and be just as warm. Moreover,
there is a program available which makes reading and printing considerably
easier and speeds up reception: Adobe Acrobat Reader, which we are using and which you must have to read and/or print the books. This program is free from
the web and is well worth the few minutes required to download. If you don't already have it, Click:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
The first books available in our library, according to category, are:
Social Science/Education
"Favela Children - A Brazilian Diary" by Ute
Craemer. 181 pages, price: $3.00. (See more)
"Basic Issues of the Social Question" by Rudolf Steiner. 81 pages, price: $3.00 (See more)
"Civil Disobedience" (classic)
by Henry David Thoreau. 28 pages. Price: Free. (See more)
"Putting Soul into Science"
by Michael Friedjung 87 pages, price $3.00. (See more)
"The Sorrows of Young Werther" (classic) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 71 pages, price: Free (See more)
"The Girl in the Floppy Hat and other Stories"
by Frank Thomas Smith. 53 pages, price: $2.00. (See more)
"Knock on Wood and other Stories"
by Frank Thomas Smith. 54 pages, price $2.00. (See more)
Note: A discount of 20% will apply for the purchase of all seven books.
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