Letters to the Editor


RE: The Garden of Forking Paths by Jorge Luis Borges

The Borges story proposes a universe in which at all forks in time, all possibilities occur. This story was written in 1941 well before the many-world theory of the universe was proposed by the physicist Everett in 1957. Ts'ui Pen "believed in an infinite series of times, in a growing, dizzying net of divergent, convergent and parallel times." But the magic of this story lies in the telling. It is a prose poem, not a scientific treatise. The reader is totally immersed in the mystery, in the left turns and in the English garden. This is the second time I have read this story and I enjoyed even more this time.


Susan J Feingold, D.Sc����������������������������������������

Popular Science Writer

Hawthorne, NJ�������� ��������




RE: We are the Lucky ones...


YES, IT SEEMS THAT THE LUNCHBOX WAS MEANT TO BE FOUND, and your article to be written, read and enjoyed by people who think the meaning of life is the evolution of a planet of Love. Thank you

Ron Spencer




RE: Nosotros somos los afortunados...


�Por fin! Un texto sobre Antroposof�a que puedo compartir con otros padres Waldorf sabiendo que lo admitir�n sin miedo. �Qu� mejor protecci�n que un portaviandas para esta concentraci�n de nutrientes�

Gracias por su Cruz del Sur, y su fuerza al mantenerla en los cielos de la red.


Estefan�a Estefan�a Fco. Javier




Querido Frank,

Muchas, muchas gracias al se�or Z quien dej� por all� sus memorias� y en letra manuscrita...


Tatiana Schneider

Buenos Aires




RE: Anthroposophical Guidelines - Sleeping and Waking


Hello Frank,


Just a quick word of thanks for these wonderful translations. Of all Steiner's work, this material from the end of his life strikes the deepest chord within me, and I'm grateful that you're making it available and with such good translations.

Please keep up the great work!

Saludos desde el monte de Colombia,


Lucas Dreier


RE: Esoteric Lessons for the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science

Thank you for publishing the Lessons of the First Class. I have been a class member for 6 years but can only learn by seeing/reading not listening!


Many thanks,
Keith Rothwell



RE:SouthernCrossReview No. 82


Tengo una queja por tu revista: por qu� en el �ltimo n�mero no hay una mujer desnuda en la portada?


Hern�n Melana

Las Chacras, Argentina


