Reincarnation Blues

Canto IX

Often I try to analyze
the reasons for being here and now,
today, kicking and alive,
swearing and forgetting my solemn vow.

Once I was nothing, a bare-ass nude,
and in not too many years to go
again a nothing nada dude.
That's the way it goes, you know.

Once there was no me in view
Till one day there suddenly was
So you ask: what else is new?
To ask is easy, everyone does.

My heart (that know-it-all) disagrees,
and throbbing in feeling-thought decrees
that during the past as a daring dude
I existed, albeit, frankly, crude.

Two-legged, striving, sweating me,
and tomorrow or a little longer maybe,
I'll be back to meet you there where
we once loved, if you still care.

Don't ask where, you'll know where when
Woody the woodpecker riffs a beat
on an old oak tree in a Grecian glen:
Reincarnation Blues doesn't cheat.