Essays and Features Published by the Southern Cross Review

Essays and Features

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Y

Alliance for Childhood

Technology Literacy


Alternative Nobel Prize for Anthroposophical Activists
American Indian Creation Myths
American Indian Creation Myths - II
Indian Creation Myths
Latin American Indian Creation Myths
Letter to the English Soldier who I killed at Mount Longdon

Auden, W.H.

Concerning the Unpredictable


Barili, Amelia

Borges on Life and Death

Batrawi, Walid

Letter From Ramallah

Berkaw, Ira

Two Men Who Did the Right Thing

Berlin, Isaiah

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Blum, Ruthy

Lost Souls

Blumenthal, Sydney

Washington's Chalabi Nightmare

Borges, Jorge Luis

Abramowicz (English)
Abramowicz (Spanish)
Buddhism (English)
Budismo (Spanish)
Elegy (English)
Eleg�a (Spanish)
Three Versions of Judas (English)
Tres versiones de Judas (Spanish)
The Wall and the Books (La Muralla y los Libros)

Brady, R.H.

Dogma and Doubt

British Military Archives

The Battle of Kabul and the Retreat to Gandamak

Byrd, Robert C.

The Truth Will Emerge
The Emperor Has No Clothes Top

Carpenter, Novella

The Yield of Magical Thinking: Better Agriculture Through Cosmic Rituals

Cohen, Bob

Letter from the World Trade Center
A Cobra in Times Square

Conason, Joe

Richard Clarke Terrorizes the White House

Conroy, Ed

Resurrecting Mary Magdalene

Cruse, Don

On Sin and Freedom


Davis, Eric

Philip K. Dick's Divine Interference

Dorfman, Ariel

Martin Luther King: A Latin American Perspective


Emerson, Ralph Waldo

An Address
Goethe; or, the Writer
Plato; or, The Philosopher
Swedenborg; or, the Mystic


Faulkner, William

Nobel Prize Speech

Fisk, Robert

Report from Lebanon

Franklin, Benjamin

Apology for Printers


Galbraith, Peter

How to Get Out of Iraq

Goff, Stan

Hold on to your humanity: An open letter to GIs in Iraq

Goldman, Emma

Patriotism: A Menace to Liberty

Green, Norman

Master in the Shadows An Interview with Isaac Beshevis Singer


Harari, Haim

A View from the Eye of the Storm

Harvey, William

Twin Tower Tales

Hein, Paul

Creationism by Any Other Name


Ingles, Mike

Casey at Bat on Memorial Day


Johnston, Caryl

Simone Weil - Starvation of a Witness


The Gospel of Judas

Jung, C. G.

Seven Sermons to the Dead
The Paradoxes of Love

Jusino, Ramon K.

Mary Magdalene: Author of the Fourth Gospel?


Kennedy, John F.

The Peace Speech

King, Karen L.

The First Christians: Women in Ancient Christianity

King Jr., Martin Luther

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence

Kupfer, David

An Interview with Utah Phillips


Le Carr�, John

A War We Cannot Win

Lessing, Doris

Political Correctness

Lock, Helen

Transformations of the Trickster

Lula da Silva, Luiz In?cio

Hunger Cannot Wait


Magdalene, Mary

The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene

Mailer, Norman

On God

Marks, Jonathan

Race � The Power of an Illusion

Melana, Hernan

El 12 de octubre de 1492 [en Espa�ol]

Messenger, Stanley

Lucifer and Ahriman Under the Bed


Nolasco, Stepahnie

A Truth I Must Know


Orwell, George

A Hanging
Politics and the English Language

Ostrowski, Mark

Sebasti?o Salgado: Snapshot of the Man behind the Camera

Owens, Lance

The Gospel of Thomas and the Hermeneutics of Vision


Pagels, Elaine

Introduction to �Secrets of Mary Magdalene�

PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Is Al Gore Chicken?


Apology, or - The Death of Socrates
Phaedo -Socrates' Last Day

Pullella, Philip

A Lost Leonardo?


Reed, Lawrence W.

The Killing Fields - Redux

Revilla, Juan Antonio

Naturaleza y estudio de la astrolog�a Espa�ol

Roessler, Augustine
William H.W. Fanning

Women In Canon Law

Rosenbaum, Ron
William H.W. Fanning

Interview with Bob Dylan


Schell, Oliver

Inside the Bubble

Schweitzer, Albert

The Quest of the Historical Jesus

Seligman, Craig

Fire and Ice: On Susan Sontag

Shapero, Hannah M.G.

Ancient Gods: Where Are They Now?
Ayn Rand and the Twin Towers
The Diamond Way: Baseball as an Esoteric Ritual

Sheehan, Cindy

Cindy Sheehan Speaks at Camp Casey
Make Me an Istrument of peace

Smith, Frank Thomas

An American Tragedy...for the World A True Tale
Argentina's Situation The Editor's Page
Before it's too late... The Editor's Page
Beyond Capitalism? The Editor's Page
Combat Ready A True Tale
Cuba's Wall The Editor's Page
Double Lives A True Tale
Latin America The Editor's Page
Looking for Olga A True Tale
Mary Magdalene Lite
On Immortality
Thoughts on Latin America The Editor's Page
The A & P Syndrome A True Tale
The Associative Principle: Its application in the air transport industry
The Escape Route A True Tale
The Ghost or the Machine The Editor's Page
The Palestine Question The Editor's Page
The Passion of the Christ: A Non-Review

Sontag, Susan

Regarding the Torture of Others

Sorensen, Theodore C.

The New Vision

Stewart, Gaither

Antonio Gramsci and Communism Today
Buenos Aires Notebook
Czeslaw Milosz, Unfashionable Poet
Federico Fellini - Author of Cinema
John Paul II, The Mystical Pope
Kurt Vonnegut: Artist, Anarchist and Social Critic
Literature: Compromise and Committment
On Freedom
On the Side of the Losers: An Interview with Natalia Ginzburg
Reflections on Inspiration
Roma - Amor
Stranger in a Strange Land
The Epiphany
The Greeks and Us
The Lonely American
Thomas Wolfe In Asheville: "Surely he had a thing to tell us."
Translation and Commentary on Borges' The Wall and the Books (La Muralla y los Libros)
When The Cathedrals Were White

Straume, Tarjei

Holy Marijuana and Revelations
Talkin' Old Classic Movies

Stuettgen, Johannes

On the Road to Direct Democracy


Talbott, Steve

Ecological Conversation: Wildness, Anthropocentrism, and Deep Ecology
The Language of Nature - Part 1
The Language of Nature - Part 2
The Language of Nature - Part 3


The Gospel of Thomas

Thoreau, Henry David

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

Tyson, Joe

Monks of the Ridge



Why the Chicken Crossed the Road

Ventura, Michael

Carne Vale
Little heroes of Decatur Street
The Lessons of Guernica

Vodovnik, Ziga

Interview with Noam Chomsky

von Kleist, Heinrich

On the Marionette Theatre


Wiesel, Elie

Hope, Despair and Memory

Williams, Jay

The Wisdom of the Serpent

Wilson, Joseph

The Cult That's Running The Country

Wink, Walter

Jesus as Trickster Rebel


Young, Buck

An Historical Overview Of The Whereabouts Of Gnomes And Elves

Yungblut, John R.

Quakerism and Jungian Psychology
