Southern Cross Review

Review of fiction, education, science, current events,
essays, book reviews, movie reviews, poetry and Anthroposophy

Number 47, June-July 2006

Zhang Yibo (China)

"I found America the friendliest, most forgiving, and most generous nation I had ever visited. We South Americans tend to think of things in terms of convenience, whereas people in the United States approach things ethically. This -- amateur Protestant that I am -- I admired above all. It even helped me overlook skyscrapers, paper bags, television, plastics, and the unholy jungle of gadgets."

Jorge Luis Borges

Welcome to the summer or winter issue of Southern Cross Review, depending upon which hemisphere you live in. We start off in the �Editor�s Page� with a rant calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush. We don�t think it�s too early, and only hope it�s not too late.

�Current Events� is full of the most important current event of our time � Iraq, with contributions on the subject by an anonymous Iraqi woman using the nom de plume Riverbend on her blog. If you missed Stephen Colbert�s hilariously vicious attack against Bush in the Great Man�s presence, check it out here. On a more serious note, the renowned poet Sharon Olds writes an open letter to Laura Bush declining an invitation. Paul Levy then gives the reasons he thinks George is bonkers.

The scene then changes to Cambodia, where Youk Chhang tells us how serious genocide is, Gaither Stewart sketches a brief history of Islamic Iran and Iftekhar Sayeed gives some us insight into the effect of NGOs n Bangladesh.

Once you�ve suffered through all that in the real world, our �Fiction� section will provide welcome relief, starting off with detective-writer Roberto Fox�s latest adventure, this time about the hunt for a Nazi war criminal in Argentina. Gaither Stewart ties shoe strings together in Italy and Mike Ingles takes flight. Jeanpaul Ferro's hero is still waiting (all his life). The Frequent Flyer and 1984 serializations continue and�and�yes, an unknown early story by J.D. Salinger. (Anything�s possible on the Web.)

The �Children�s Corner � Rinc�n infantile� offers a bilingual story by your editor featuring a boy who is a hummingbird, or vice versa.

In �Science� Don Cruse bashes Darwin again, this time with mighty arguments, delineating the problem and even giving the solution.

Alchemist Dennis Klocek�s lecture is a must read for those interested in �Anthroposophy�, modern alchemy and spirituality in general. It is followed by Rudolf Steiner�s third lecture in the Astronomy series and the continuation of his autobiography.

In �Poetry� sailor Will Carpenter, whose fiction appeared here previously, has turned out to be a poet as well. A new contributor, Needhi Aasai Theeppori from India, offers a poem and several Bob Dylan song-poems conclude this issue�s Southern Cross review symphony.

We'd like to remind you that all the articles, stories, poems, etc. ever published in Southern Cross Review are available in our extensive ARCHIVES. Our E-book Library contains free e-books which will be of interest to many of you.

You can find us under the Southern Cross constellation in the Traslasierra Valley Province of C�rdoba, Argentina. Visitors always welcome. Just follow the sign that reads: La Cruz del Sur. See you next time.

, Editor

, Associate Editor

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Table of Contents

Editor's Page

J'accuse - you!

Current Events

Baghdad Burnng - II

Monologue at the White House
Stephen Colbert

Open Letter to Laura Bush
Sharon Olds

Bush is Certifiable
Paul Levy

Genocide is not a Game
Youk Chhang (Cambodia)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Gaither Stewart

NGOs and Democracy
Iftekhar Sayeed (Bangladesh)


To Hunt a Nazi
Roberto Fox

The Shoe String Miracle
Gaither Stewart

Mike Ingles

I've Been Waiting for Tomorrow
(All My Life)

Jeanpaul Ferro

Last Day of the Last Furlough
J.D. Salinger

The Frequent Flyer - 17
Frank Thomas Smith

1984 - Chapter 7
George Orwell

Children's Corner
Rinc�n infantil

Juancito Colibr�

Juancito Hummingbird
Frank Thomas Smith


Darwin's Devious Metaphors:
The Problem

The Solution
Don Cruse


Transformng Fantasy into Imagination
Dennis Klocek

The Relationship of the Diverse Branches of Science and Astronomy-3
Rudolf Steiner

The Story of My Life - 8
Rudolf Steiner


   Warm Transit (& more)
Will Carpenter

   Ghandhi's Key
Needhi Aasai Theeppori

All Along the Watchtower(& more)
Bob Dylan