Letters to the editor
Thanks for for putting this excellent newsletter together. I'd like to drop in and thank you personally and see what you all look like but we live in England. The nearest we got was Brazil 15 years ago.
Jim Hall
�Dear Editors
About the picture shown with the speech given by Dr. King, Beyond Vietnam, a Time to Break Silence. The nine-year-old girl seen running away from the bombing is Kim Ph�c. She was burned by jellied gasoline, AKA Napalm, perfected at Harvard University in 1942. She suffered 3rd degree burns to over 70% of her body. She is now married and living in Canada. Kim has two children. Peace.
M. Ingles
Thanks for immortalizing me in this story.
Marcos Smith
[Marcos was the baby in the story. Ed.]�
Re: Looking for Olga
Nice story, but�haven�t you left us dangling?� What finally happened? Did you find her or not?
Casablanca[I wanted to make it seem to be at least a potentially happy ending. But the truth is: no, I did not find her. Btw, although this true account originally appeared in number 52, at some point the url crashed and didn�t work, so it�s repeated in the current issue. Ed.]