Letters to the Editor
RE: Security Clearances, Intelligence Analysts and Moral Intelligence
I wept at parts of this essay as I thought of my dad in WWII , a glider pilot sent behind enemy lines to transport supplies, only to be stranded for many months, never realizing he was duped by his government to be the American equivalent of a Kamikaze. Indeed, he bore deep scars but the shrapnel was the least of it. He lost himself in an ideal that never was and struggled to come to grips with it for the rest of his life. He did not know then that he was brainwashed by the military.
Yes, indeed I do regard these brave young men, Manning and Snowden as heroes and so, too, does my father in heaven.
Kendall Weaver
Thank you Frank for this heartfelt biographical reflection turned into an inarguable championing of Snowden and Manning.
Best wishes,
Dr. Kevin Dann,
Brooklyn, NY
RE: On Having One's Healthy Organs Removed by Gerald Brennon
Comments about the Gerald Brennon article Great article! Gerald put the issues into perspective very well. Too late for Angelina Jolie but hopefully others will choose to not let fear make their decisions.
Eve Cruse,
RE: The Fifth Gospel � Berlin 1 by Rudolf Steiner
Saturn is stationed at the moment on Gacrux - and you may not be aware of the following from The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time By Jay Weidner, Vincent Bridges
From Jerusalem, the celestial event of the slipping of the Southern Cross below the horizon occurred over the winter of 2 C.E. The "earthing" of the cross, the place where the Southern Cross touched the horizon, could easily be seen as the "birthplace" of a messianic figure. In the first century C.E., the Southern Cross could still be seen from Luxor and Cairo, so its appearance with a bright star on top of it could easily became a "rose" ankh, connecting the ancient mystery tradition and the new messiah figure in one powerful symbol.
On the walls of the Coptic Museum in the Old City [of Cairo], one can trace the evolution of the rose cross through the first and second centuries. On one wall, a first-century gravestone from Luxor, which contains the combination of a chi-rho emblem and the ankh with the solar boat, sits next to ankh crosses that blossom into roses on the loop of the ankh. By the second century, this had become the accepted rendering of the cross as a mystical symbol. In this we have a connection with the esoteric side of the Coptic tradition that managed to survive the shift to orthodoxy. These rose crosses traveled, along with Gnostic concepts, throughout the Empire.
Now RS indicates that the Mystery of Golgatha was experienced SW of Jerusalem which would make Luxor a candidate and Gacrux a witness.
James Gillen
RE: �Open Letter or the Judith von Halle Phenomenon continued�
(Thank you to Mr Clark for bringing the issue to my attention through his daily �Wellspring� blog)
About the open letter: Most convincing. A clear and uncompromising stand. What a shame that it has had to come into the public domain at all. It is horrifying, even diabolical, that at this most difficult stage in the biography of The Anthroposophical Society any serious Member�s serious work in the realm of spiritual investigation should be subjected to attack in a public sensationalist way. Discussions kept within the framework of the Anthroposophical Society between himself and Ms. von Halle and also other interested/prominent members of the Vorstand and the Society would have been much more in keeping with the Love that hopefully imbues the whole of Anthroposophy.
Doctor Steiner, in his opening lecture of the series entitled �Awakening to Community�(Stuttgart January 23rd, 1923) strongly and emotively draws attention to the inevitable enmity facing Anthroposophy, and points out that enmity will not be lessening but will grow more destructive, and he went on to emphasize the pressing need for members of the Society and its daughter movements always to form an active, willing, loving support to Anthroposophy, and hence also the Anthroposophical Society, for only if a high level of support is maintained and developed into the future would Anthroposophy be able to accomplish what humanity must have for its correct spiritual evolution.
I have but lately been introduced to the writings of Ms. Judith von Halle. I have found what I have read to be absolutely in harmony with my experiences of Rudolf Steiner�s Anthroposophy, if difficult to accept through my preconceptions and prejudices.
So thank you for publishing this open letter.
Hilary Groves
Judith von Halle is in good company: Below is an extract from Laibel.com
In reference to Padre Pio and other mystics, author (Laibelman?)said: "It is, and always has been, commonplace for Church officials to portray Catholic mystics in the worst possible light when they don't understand the nature of mystical experience. This is not intended as a blanket condemnation of all ecclesiastics who are not mystics. I claim Institutional Religions by their very structure tend to treat religious mystics as aberrations and threatening, rather than as a sought-for ideal used as a foundation for verifying the Truth of the Religion itself."
Another website said that Padre Pio ate a meal so small (300-400 calories a day) that his fellow priests stated that it was not enough food even to keep a small child alive.
Marshall Heminway III
I was happy to read the text about stigmata and Judith von Halle. She is by that a wonderful person! I read it with my 12 years old daughter and even she could understands events of stigmata in 2004. Hopefully i would have a chance to meet Judith one day. I am waiting to hsve her latest book. Thank you very much to all of you!
Heidi Ponda,
RE: Ebook Library
Dear Frank Thomas Smith!
Many many thanks for the 7 free e-books! Your site is really excellent! Well done!
Best regards,
Jean Brieussel
Provence - South of France
RE: �Paternostro's Promise� by Frank Thomas Smith
Dear Mr. Smith,
Thank you very much for sending me the link to your book on Amazon. I genuinely enjoyed reading it and hope it does well. Next time you should charge more. :)
Kathlyn Tilton
RE: �Favela Children� by Ute Cramer
Greetings Frank,
I've just posted your notice on my Michaelmas Press Facebook page. Hope this helps spread the word to others.
Congratulations and thank you for your work in translating and publishing this.
Pamela J. Fenner
Michaelmas Press
NEW: Make Way for Reading: Great Books for Kindergarten Through Grade 8
RE: My Honey is Dancing by RZ Balchowsky
Yes, 'strive on'! Well put, Madam Poet! And yes, there IS something about the angle of the sun in late september...
RE: Axolotl by Julio Cort�zar
I loved it. It has touched me and in so many ways can relate to it. So clever and it put me there, in the time, at the aquarium. I am interested because I have been thinking alot lately about axoltls and about adopting one. This story was captivating. Well done and thank you.
Lil x
RE: "Esoteric Lessons for the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science" by Rudolf Steiner
I just want to thank you thank you for the Esoteric Lessons for the First Class!!!
Marisa Gray
RE: Subscriptions
Thanks Frank... There seems to be no online study groups anymore these days unless I turn to Facebook, so I haven�t got a link to be told about the upcoming editions of the Southern Cross Review. I may turn to Facebook one day, but for now thanks for all your work on the Cross. I enjoy the articles etc. very much.
Dermond Murray
Dear SouthernCrossReview,
I am one of those people who have switched to gmail. My new address is �......@gmail.com I love the magazine, keep up the great work.
John Holmes
Editor: If you have changed your email address, please advise us by sending an email to [email protected] � with your old and new addresses - or at least the new one. Thanks