Letters to the Editor
Nice article. I was a diehard atheist. My parents were loose Lutherans. When I asked "why aren't we Jews? Jesus was Jew." I was told they were a race not a religion. All my cold stuck up relatives made it really clear to me at 14. There is no god if all THESE people are a part of it, I have no place and the silence was deafening. When my second child was born I was bleeding to death on my kitchen floor while my husband and friend wept over me. I couldn't believe they were so sad to let me go someplace so wonderful. I was blacking out hearing the train rushing by seeing beautiful things. But afterwards I wrote all that off as one hell of a high. I had a lot of health issues for a couple years after this experience. Money stuff all that goes along with having kids. I was driving and suddenly the veil lifted for me, I knew there was a god. There is no explanation for it; as you say in the end it�s inside you. I'm still close to some of my old people, they look at my in disbelief they want to argue about how I really KNOW anything. Something you wrote made sense to me.
Andrea Renae Marrapodi
Estimado F:
Ya he le�do tu interesante art�culo sobre la muerte que no es orgullosa. Obvio me enter� de parte de tu vida p�blica. �Qu� gran viaje es la vida, y la tuya no es excepci�n! El cierre de tu art�culo me conmovi� mucho y me lo llevo en mi coraz�n: que la vida y el mundo del esp�ritu los pueda conocer en mis t�rminos; o sea, aqu� y ahora.
Encontr� tu sitio web hace ya tiempo: Voy leyendo poco a poco los Art�culos que has publicado. No te voy a decir que ya le� todo porque no es cierto. Estoy segura que has encontrado tu camino espiritual porque tus escritos se sienten e irradian mucho de ti. No en el sentido de percepci�n extrasensorial, que yo no tengo, sino como una lucecita que va formando la claridad en mi conciencia, poco a poco.
Hace a�os que descubr� a Rudolf Steiner y un poco como a ti me pas� a m� que lo empec� a digerir mucho despu�s. Pero no fue la reverencia ante la muerte lo que me ha significado m�s el desarrollar mi esp�ritu, sino las extraordinarias (literalmente) experiencias abrumadoras y hermosas que he tenido la fortuna de vivir.
Gracias por compartirnos el destilado de tu vida, Frank. Gracias por publicar lo que entiendes, ves y sientes.
Como dicen mis "amigos" los vulcanos (soy fan de Star Trek), �vive mucho y s� pr�spero!
Celita Palacios.
Hello Frank�. That was an amazingly wonderful article�. Thank you for sharing it with us�
Happy New Year and my best wishes on the concluding days of the 13 Holy Nights�
Dermond Murray
Hi Frank!
A very good article about a difficult subject.
Lai Holms,
RE: Anthroposophy and the Catholic Church
Querido Frank:
Y en cuanto a la dura cr�tica a la Iglesia Cat�lica... pues Rudolf Steiner tiene fundamentos s�lidos. Ya le� las tres conferencias. En cuanto a mi sentimiento, s�lo confirm� mi desprecio a la alta jerarqu�a cat�lica. Conozco buenos hombres, sacerdotes cat�licos que se han asumido el verdadero mensaje de amor, aunque claro, desde la perspectiva dual (cuerpo-alma) y no la verdadera tripartita (cuerpo-alma-esp�ritu).Las lecturas me dejaron el sabor de boca de amargura y de rencor, pues los hombres malos, peque�os en sus aspiraciones materiales, han privado a muchos de la verdadera sabidur�a. Sin embargo, as� debe ser, pues no hay nada que salga del gran plan del Absoluto... aunque no entendamos el por qu�. �En fin!
Gracias por compartir las lecturas. Aprend� mucho, especialmente sobre por qu� no me ca�an bien (ya desde antes) los jerarcas cat�licos.
Celita Palacios,
Anti-Catholicism is "the anti-Semitism of the intellectuals." Wm. Buckley
Caryl Johnston,
RE: The Fifth Gospel
In abject humility, I feel this is how we must find ourselves.
Kendall Weaver
RE: Open Letter - or - The Judith von Halle Phenomenon
Merci beaucoup pour celle initiative de d�fense de Judith Von Halle. Pourriez vous la faire traduire en fran�ais, pour que votre lettre soit accessible aux francophones.
Dans l'amour du Christ.
Laurent George,
RE: Exile�s End
"Exile's End" struck a chord with me. It resounds on. I consider myself a many-time-exile, thus I found I could hum along in harmony with the tone and timbre of the words. Thank you!
Eric Muller,
Me emocion� mucho su poema. El coraz�n de cualquier hombre es un universo profundo y asombroso. Al poeta le mando un abrazo como lo recibe en la Pampa, porque soy tambi�n de este mundo y hermana suya, exiliada como �l, quien intenta recordar c�mo regresar al Hogar.
Celia Palacios,
RE: Ute Craemer's European Journey 2013
Surely a model of human resilience herself is this lovely lady who never gave up her ideals.� Very inspiring.
Kendall Weaver
Thank you for the refreshingly prurient 'Anthroposophic' art on your web site. Most enjoyable and beautiful. Lest our introspections become doldrumic ! And also appreciate children's tales which I read to my granddaughters...much better than �screen time'. Gracias.
John Harris
Happy new year, Frank Thomas Smith and all others who work on Southern Cross Review! Your efforts in translating the works of Rudolf Steiner and making them available to all are much appreciated.
Thanks again,
Jennifer C. Yates