Christianity as
Mystical Fact
by Rudolf Steiner
A Southern Cross Review Ebook
105 pages _______________________________________________________________
- I. Foreword by Paul Allen
- II. Introduction: Rudolf Steiner A Biographical Sketch
- III. Author's Preface to the Second Edition
- IV. Points of View
- V. Mysteries and Mystery Wisdom
- VI. Greek Sages Before Plato in the Light of Mystery Wisdom
- VII. Plato as a Mystic
- VIII. Mystery Wisdom and Myth
- IX. Egyptian Mystery Wisdom
- X. The Gospels
- XI. The Miracle of the Raising of Lazarus
- XII. The Apocalypse of John
- XIII. Jesus and his Historical Background
- XIV. The Essence of Christianity
- XV. Christianity and Pagan Wisdom
- XVI. Augustine and the Church
- XVII. Comments by the Author
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