Borges, already blind, has been appointed Director of the National Public Library:
"If I think of Buenos Aires, I think of the Buenos Aires I knew as a boy: of low houses, of patios, of vestibules, of wells, of barred windows, and that Buenos Aires was then all Buenos Aires. Now it is only conserved in the Sur; so I felt that I had returned to the neighborhood of my elders. When I checked that the books were there and I had to ask my freinds their titles, I remembered a phrase by Rudolf Steiner in his book about Anthroposophy (which was the name he gave to Theosophy). He said that when something ends, we must think that something begins. The advice is helpful, but difficult to carry out, because we know what we have lost, but not what we have gained. We have a very precise image, a sometimes harsh image of what we have lost, but we don't know what can replace it, or happen..."
Jorge Luis Borges
Welcome to the current issue of Southern Cross Review, with its appetizing contents, admittedly not for all tastes. We start off with some new arguments for the impeachment of President Bush � and include the V.P. If you open this page on September 1 (and many other sites as well), you will see something you didn�t expect � unless you have already read the �Editor�s Page�.
The �Features� section highlights Jorge Luis Borges in English and Spanish, Albert Schweitzer, and Norman Green (on Isaac Beshevis Singer).
�Current Events� offers contributions from Jonathan Schell (highly recommended), more of the fantastic �Girlblog� from Iraq, a report from Lebanon by Robert Fisk, meditations about the effect of bombs on children by Starhawk and a new essay by Gaither Stewart.
And �Fiction� is ripe with Roberto Fox reporting again from Buenos Aires, ex-copper Bob Cohen from Times Square, new author Stephanie Nolasco with a juicy multicultural story also from the Big Apple, and Gaither Stewart from the hills of Italy. The Frequent Flyer concludes (finally) and Orwell�s 1984 continues.
Another bilingual children�s story by your editor fills up the �Children�s Corner� � which has turned out to be very popular, by the way.
A cosmological piece by Prof. Konrad Rudnicki, from Poland, is in the �Science� section.
�Anthroposophy� includes a chapter of Albert Schweitzer�s memoirs in which he describes his friendship with Rudolf Steiner; also a lecture by Alfred Heidenreich. Rudolf Steiner�s �Astronomy Course� and his autobiography are continued.
In �Poetry� you will find poems by Robert Buchanan (about Judas), Rub�n Dar�o (Nicaragua) and Yours Truly.
A new Ebook is now available in our Ebook Liberary (free of charge as always): Rudolf Steiner's The Philosophy of Freedom ready to print in pdf format. If you're in a thinking mood and would like to investigate the philosophical basis of what was later to become known as Anthroposophy, this is for you.
We'd like to remind you that all the articles, stories, poems, etc. ever published in Southern Cross Review are available in our extensive ARCHIVES. Our E-book Library contains free e-books which will be of interest to many of you.
You can find us under the
Southern Cross constellation in the Traslasierra Valley Province of
C�rdoba, Argentina. Visitors always welcome. Just follow the sign that
reads: La Cruz del Sur. See you next time.
, Editor
, Associate Editor
Check out our Archives
for hundreds of items.
so we can advise when the next issue is ready. It's free of charge.
Ebook Library
of Contents
Current Events
No Time for Empire Jonathan Schell
Baghdad Burnng - III Riverbend
Report from Lebanon Robert Fisk
While the Bombs Fall Starhawk
Religion and Moral Relativism Gaither Stewart
April Cruel Roberto Fox
A Cobra in Times Square Bob Cohen
The Bartender's Girlfriend Stephanie Nolasco
Voices from Pisalocca Gaither Stewart
The Frequent Flyer - Conclusion Frank
Thomas Smith
1984 - Chapter 8 George
Children's Corner
Rinc�n infantil
A Visit to the Stars
Una visita a las estrellas Frank Thomas Smith
The Cosmological Principle of Ancient India
Konrad Rudnicki
Friendship with Rudolf Steiner Albert Schweitzer
The Risen Christ and the Etheric Christ Alfred Heidenreich
The Relationship of the Diverse Branches of Science and Astronomy-4 Rudolf Steiner
The Story of My Life -
9 Rudolf Steiner
The Ballad of Judas Iscariot Robert Buchanan
Metempsicosis (Sp. & Eng.) Rub�n Dar�o
Ode to all (& more) Frank Thomas Smith