I salute the man who is going through life always helpful, knowing no fear, and to whom aggressiveness and resentment are alien. Such is the stuff of which the great moral leaders are made who proffer consolation to mankind in their self-created miseries.
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge in the field of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.
Albert Einstein
Welcome to this issue of Southern Cross Review in which the “Editor’s Page” continues telling your editor's biographicl true tales, however untrue they may seem.
“Current Events” is still much concerned with Iraq, with another contribution from the anonymous Girl on the ground there. John Brown likens the effects attributed to Dubya ( D.C.) to Cho (Virginia Tech.), and Noam Chomsky wonders “What if…?
Under “Features” Kurt Vonnegut’s recent death inspires Gaither Stewart to contribute an interview he conducted with the famous author in times past and Steve Talbott begins a three-part essay on language. True baseball fans will not be surprised to learn of its esoteric aspects from the pen of Hannah M. G. Shapero.
Please don’t neglect to peruse our “Fiction” section, where Roberto Fox of Argentina continues to confound the bad guys and charm the ladies, this time in Florida; Gaither Stewart, still in Berlin, analyzes the souls of its citizens and Mike Ingles confuses robots with luscious beauties. Those who appreciate the great classic will equally appreciate a long seafaring Joseph Conrad story and the continuation of George Orwell’s “1984”.
In “Science and Philosophy” Professor Rudnicki’s cosmological chapters advance to the Anthropic principle.
Under “Anthroposophy” Tom Last tells us how Rudolf Steiner’s “Philosophy of Freedom” may be applied to the situation in Iraq. Steiner’s autobiography and his “Fifth Gospel” lectures continue, along with a lecture about Easter.
Poetry is, as usual, the bottom line with one of my favorites, Poe’s “The Raven”. As a kind of postscript, Mike Ingles discovers that he is a poet on a bus.
You can find us under the
Southern Cross constellation in the Traslasierra Valley Province of
Córdoba, Argentina. Visitors always welcome. Just follow the sign that
reads: La Cruz del Sur. See you next time.
, Editor
, Associate Editor
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Ebook Library
of Contents
Passing Away in Boca Roberto Fox
Miracle on Potsdamer Platz Gaither Stewart
A Digital Divorce Mike Ingles
Youth Joseph Conrad
1984 - Part 2 Chap.5 George
Science & Philosophy
The Anthropic Cosmological Principle Konrad Rudnicki
The Philosophy of Freedom in Iraq
Tom Last
The Fifth Gospel - Lecture 4
Rudolf Steiner
The Meaning of Easter
Rudolf Steiner
The Story of My Life -
16 & 17 Rudolf Steiner
The Raven Edgar Allen Poe
On the Bus at Midnight Mike Ingles