Southern Cross Review

Review of fiction, education, science, current events,
essays, book reviews, poetry and Anthroposophy

Number 71, July - August 2010

Sunlight's Kiss - Octavio Ocampo (Mexico 1943 - )

Octavio Ocampo was born in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico on February 28, 1943. Growing up in a family of designers, he first studied art as a boy. Professor Salvador Zuniga directed the local art school in his hometown. At the art school, Ocampo constructed "paper mache" figures for floats, altars and ornaments that were used during carnival parades and other festivals. By doing this, he learned about art composition, materials and techniques. In high school, Ocampo painted murals for the Preparatory School and the City Hall of Celaya. Ruth Rivera, daughter of artist and muralist Diego Rivera and Maria Luisa "La China" Mendoza saw his work and encouraged him to attend the School of Painting and Sculpture of the National Fine Art Institute. He now works primarily in the metamorphic style - using a technique of superimposing and juxtaposing realistic and figurative details within the images that he creates.

Click on the donkey to browse in the SCR E-book Library

Check out the new Ebook: "The Cosmological Principles" by Prof. Konrad Rudnicki (under "Science").

Welcome to the new issue of Southern Cross Review. In the �Editor's Page� we tell you why we think there is really no long-term solution to world unemployment, unless we start thinking in completely different paradigms.

This month we offer �Fiction� by Yours Truly � having to do with personal identity, or lack of it; Naomi Johnson takes us to China and a young girl's fate on a junk; a young Jewish girl's story is told by the fairy tale author Hans Christian Anderson. Barry Spacks takes us on quite a ride with cartoonist Hobart and his dog.

In �Current Events� check out an article by Ann Jones about the war in Afghanistan. A few months ago we called Afghanistan Obama's Waterloo. Now Ann Jones, who has spent a lot of time there, tells it like it is. We hope there's still time for the President to change his Afghan karma. Tom Englehardt and Michael G. Klare take on two topics that are burning hot � right now: War and Oil! To be really informed, don't miss their articles.

Steve Talbott is back with an article in �Science� about synthetic life. Steve doesn't believe in synthetic life, obviously � and he tells us how those who do manufacture the �notion� of it, which is quite different from the reality.

Under �Features�, Chimamanda Adichie, a Nigerian, warms us of the dangers of seeing things as black or white � that there's always more than one story (also in Spanish).

�Education�: If you like theater, be sure to attend Jacque Ensign's drama starring John Dewey and Rudolf Steiner, as the former defends �progressive� schools, and the latter gives him tips about Waldorf education. Also a shorter article by Stacey Palevsky about the integrated (Arab and Jewish) Waldorf schools in Israel.

In the �Anthroposophy� section, Rudolf Steiner's lectures on Karmic Relations continue, as well as those about the anthroposophical movement.

�Poetry�: A new (for us) poet, Eric G. Muller, translates his experiences with paintings observed in Italy into lovely poems. Also some poems by the well-known American poet Maya Angelou. In case you don't know her though, here's your chance.

You can find us under the Southern Cross constellation in the Traslasierra Valley, Province of C�rdoba, Argentina. Visitors always welcome. Just follow the sign that reads: La Cruz del Sur.

Frank Thomas Smith, Editor
JoAnn Schwarz, Associate Editor

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A Conversation between
John Dewey and Rudolf Steiner:
A Comparison of Waldorf
and Progressive Education

Jacque Ensign

Arabic and Jewish Waldorf Schools in Israel
Stacey Palevsky


Karmic Relationships
Volume I, Lectures 2 and 3

The Anthroposophical Movement - VI
Rudolf Steiner


Pieta and other poems
Eric G. Muller

Phenomenal Woman

Mujer Fenomenal
Maya Angelou