Southern Cross Review

Review of fiction, education, science, current events,
essays, book reviews, poetry and Anthroposophy

Number 97, November - December 2014

"Jacqueline en Costume Turc"

Jacqueline Roque (24 February 1927 – 15 October 1986) was born in Paris on 24 February 1927. She is best known as the muse and second wife of Pablo Picasso. Their marriage lasted 11 years until his death, during which time he created over 400 portraits of her, more than any of Picasso's other loves. Devastated and lonely after the death of Picasso, Jacqueline Roque killed herself by gunshot in 1986 when she was 59 years old. Shortly before her death she had confirmed that she would be present at an upcoming exhibit of her private collection of Picasso's work in Spain.

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Editor's Page

A Journey back to Real Segregation in the U.S.- A Yankee, a Jew and a Negro in the South before the “Brown vs. Board of Education” Decision by Frank Thomas Smith

In 1954, sixty years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the famous “Brown vs. Board of Education” decision, ruled that a previous court’s decision that race relations must be “separate but equal” was unconstitutional. The effect of the ruling was that segregation was no longer legal in public places including, of course, schools. I’m from New York where, although de facto segregation existed – and to a certain extent still does – it was not condoned by law. As far as I can remember, there was no black child in my elementary school. White kids went to the schools in white neighborhoods and black kids went to the schools near where they lived. In Erasmus Hall High School however, located farther downtown and nearer to a black neighborhood, a small minority of black children attended. Continue reading


The Plumed Serpent of Los Angeles by Daniel A. Olivos

Being good Mexicans I know your parents taught you that although Columbus came from Italy, the Spanish crown commissioned his voyage to El Nuevo Mundo and so his three ships sailed under a Spanish flag. And then, a bit later, Spanish conquistadors and missionaries with names like Hernando Cortés and Friar Bartolomé de las Casas and Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca came and, as that son-of-a-bitch Cromwell did to the Irish, the Spanish liberated the native people of their "barbarian" pagan beliefs and gave them Catholicism. Or so the Spanish conquistadors and missionaries thought. Continue reading

The Old Man, the Indian and the Picture by Gaither Stewart

The old man needed to piss. Much as he tried to return to ruminations about the Roman Empire, he couldn’t think of anything but piss. Binu should have long since been back. Probably downstairs at the coffee bar while he sat here maybe about to piss in his pants again. He seldom knew for certain. He wondered if old Roman emperors like … like, uh, the one he could never remember, a name something like giallo, the color of proper piss. Si, si, that’s it, Caesar Giallo. Oh Cristo, no, seems like only yesterday everything was still clear. Now all time is today. Time and everything is like a foggy yesterday become today … when I didn’t have to piss in my pants or think about piss and diapers and my own stink. Ecco! Of course! I mean Caesar Galba, the oldest of Roman emperors. I wonder if he too had to wear those disgusting diapers they put on me at night that by morning stink worse than Galba’s Legions’ Continue reading

Tango by Luisa Valenzuela

I was told:
in this dance hall you have to sit close to the bar, on the left near the cash register; order a glass of wine, nothing stronger because it's not becoming for women, don't drink beer because beer makes you want to piss and pissing isn't for ladies either. They talk about a kid from this neighborhood who ditched his girlfriend when he caught her leaving the ladies room: I thought she was pure spirit, a fairy, it seems the kid said. The girlfriend was left flat, which in this neighborhood still has connotations of loneliness and spinsterhood, something frowned upon. For women, that is. So I was told... Continue reading

Ven, Nena and Elizabeth Taylor by Victorino Cristito Briones

Every year, on their wedding anniversary, surrounded by her closest friends, Nena would recount the morning she was married in 1956, during the early days of March to avoid the tropical cyclones that frequently ravaged the Philippine archipelago. As always, she highlighted the story of the small, gray, single engine plane that circled the church tower three times on a cloudless day before spitting out a wreath of white flowers. It was an antiquated ceremony performed by the Air Force for weddings and funerals, though the practice had fallen into disfavor with the public because of the obvious danger of injuring, if not killing, unwary bystanders. The wreath, aimed at a bright orange X mark painted in the middle of the lawn, rolled and twisted in the air until a sudden gust of wind blew it toward the grotto fountain where it plunged into the water, sinking under green moss and water lilies... Continue reading

Children's Corner

A Sword Fell on the Mountain by Frank Thomas Smith

Can we play at sums, Dad?” Nicolás said.
OK,” his father answered. “Do you want to play too, César?
César didn't which game it was, but he said yes, he wanted to play.
Nico!” said his dad, “nine plus six.”
Fifteen,” Nicolás said, almost immediately.
Now César! Three plus three.”
César looked at Nicolás beside him in the back seat of the Ford Falcon, which seemed more like a palace than a car to him. He was just as good as Nicolás in basketball, maybe even a little better, but when it was his turn at arithmetic, it was harder for him... Continue reading

Una Espada cae sobre la Montaña

Jugamos a sumar, Pa? –dijo Nicolás.
–Bueno, –le contestó el papá.– ¿Querés jugar también, César?
César no sabía de qué juego se trataba, pero igual contestó que sí, que quería jugar.
–Nico! –dijo el papá– nueve más seis.
– Quince –dijo Nicolás casi sin dudar.
–Ahora, César! Tres más tres.
César miró a Nicolás que viajaba a su lado en el asiento trasero del Ford Falcon, que más que un auto le parecía un palacio. En básquet César andaba a la par de Nicolás, incluso quizás un poco mejor, pero cuando le llegó el turno a las sumas, la cosa se puso bastante difícil... Continuar

Thank You for Your Valor, Thank You for Your Service, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You… by Rory Fanning

Last week, in a quiet indie bookstore on the north side of Chicago, I saw the latest issue of Rolling Stone resting on a chrome-colored plastic table a few feet from a barista brewing a vanilla latte.  A cold October rain fell outside. A friend of mine grabbed the issue and began flipping through it. Knowing that I was a veteran, he said, "Hey, did you see this?" pointing to a news story that seemed more like an ad. It read in part: "This Veterans Day, Bruce Springsteen, Eminem, Rihanna, Dave Grohl, and Metallica will be among numerous artists who will head to the National Mall in Washington D.C. on November 11th for 'The Concert For Valor,' an all-star event that will pay tribute to armed services." Continue reading

Men, Women and Computers… by Valdemar W. Setzer

To examine the question "why do men behave differently than women regarding their use and interest on computers?" one has to begin by observing what are the essential differences between genders. As I am not a psychologist, I am not going to cover the abundant traditional psychological theories about the subject, as for instance the one by Jung which takes into consideration the differences between "animus" and "anima". Rather, I will base myself on my own and my wife's (a medical doctor) observations and common sense. The considerations written below apply to differences in general. They cannot be applied to particular individuals, unless as a basis for further observations... Continue reading


Esoteric Lessons for the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum - Volume Three, Lesson Four by Rudolf Steiner

...And we have already heard what the Guardian of the Threshold speaks to the one he wants to lift up, how he points, on the one hand, above, where a battle is taking place between the light and the dark powers in the realm from which the force of our thinking streams into our humanity. The Guardian of the Threshold thinks that we need this image. We need – if we wish to feel in the right way, by seeking knowledge, the origins of our thinking, the force of our thinking in our humanity – to look up to that realm from which our thinking comes, where however a terrible battle rages between the powers of light, the light which wants to guide thinking along the right track, and the powers of darkness, who want to divert thinking from the right track and lead it along paths of aberration. Our thinking is rooted above. We must know it to be so rooted if we want to be knowledgeable in the battle between light and darkness...
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A Contemporary Theological Anthropology of Two Jesus Children by Mark Diebel

This paper will examine Jesus' genealogies in Matthew and Luke from the perspective of a transracially adopted bi-racial person. It will argue that the two genealogies refer to two different people and that the identities of the two children are transculturally significant. This paper will also be concerned with knowledge and what we allow in respect of gathering information of the kind that situates us in the world so that we achieve our own perspective upon it and upon our existence. The perspective adopted here will presume a reincarnational anthropology that contextualizes the significance of bloodline and biological inheritance. Jesus Christ will be shown to be a complicated person from the perspective of his origins and to have an identity not defined from bloodline... Continue reading

A Review of "Rudolf Steiner, Schriften über Mystik, Mysterienwesen und Religionsgeschichte by James W. Wood

An exciting new development in Steiner research is currently taking place with regard to the publication of his written works in German. The first volume of a critical edition has appeared, edited by Dr. Christian Clement, associate professor of German studies at the Brigham Young University in the United States, and published by the respected frommann-holzboog publisher in Germany. This publishing house is renowned among others for its long tradition of critical editions and collected works of thinkers such as Jacob Böhme, Johann Valentin Andreae (the author of Rosicrucian texts), F.W.J. Schelling, J.G. Fichte, and G.W.F. Hegel. Considering the philosophical, cultural and spiritual roots of Steiner's thought, it is a perfectly appropriate venue for an edition of his works... Continue reading

Karmic Relations, Volume III, Lecture One - The Karmic Relationships of the Anthroposophical Movement by Rudolf Steiner

     René Descartes
For those of you who are able to be here today I wish to give a kind of interlude in the studies we have been pursuing for some time. What I shall say today will serve to illustrate and explain many questions that may emerge out of the subjects we have treated until now. At the same time it will help to throw light on the mood of soul of the civilisation of the present time. For years past, we have had to draw attention to a certain point of time in that evolution of civilisation which is concentrated mainly in Europe. The time I mean lies in the 14th or 15th century or around the middle of the Middle Ages. It is the moment in the evolution of humanity when intellectualism began — when people began mainly to pay attention to the intellect, making it the judge of what shall be thought and done... Continue reading


Interview with Charles Bukowski by Sean Penn

ON WOMEN AND SEX: I call 'em complaining machines. Things are never right with a guy to them. And man, when you throw that hysteria in there...forget it. I gotta get out, get in the car, and go. Anywhere. Get a cup of coffee somewhere. Anywhere. Anything but another woman. I guess they're just built different, right? (He's on a roll now.) The hysteria starts...they're gone. You go to leave, they don't understand. (In a high woman's screech:) "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" "I'm getting the hell out of here, baby!" They think I'm a woman hater, but I'm not. A lot of it is word of mouth. They just hear "Bukowski's a male-chauvinist pig," but they don't check the source. Sure I make women look bad sometimes, but I make men look bad too. I make myself look bad. If I really think it's bad, I say it's bad -- man, woman, child, dog. The women are so touchy, they think they're being singled out. That's their problem... Continue reading

First Fax Poem by Charles Bukowski

oh, forgive me For Whom the Bell Tolls,
oh, forgive me Man who walked on water,
oh, forgive me little old woman who lived in a shoe,
oh, forgive me the mountain that roared at midnight,
oh, forgive me the dumb sounds of night and day and death,
oh, forgive me the death of the last beautiful panther,
oh, forgive me all the sunken ships and defeated armies,
this is my first FAX POEM.
It’s too late:
I have been
smitten. Continue reading

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Frank Thomas Smith, Editor
JoAnn Schwarz, Associate Editor
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