RE: Make America Greta Again
A very interesting personality we have in Greta Thunberg.
Not long ago she visited the head of the roman catholic church. A great opportunity to ask him why his organisation was supporting 20,000 approximately of his senior members to actively have sex with children. Think what horrors go from the tortured souls of those many many thousands of children
having their innocence debased and their bodies desecrated. Think on the effects that has on our ever present weather. Truth in all matters is the way forward, whether it be the truth about A1, 5G or severe weather outbreaks, or the continual systematic abuse of children. Nature can look after herself and the planet if we learn to understand that we are now giants living in the world, and as such our thoughts and actions have an immense effect on our beloved earth.
Robin Bate
RE: Unemployment, Poverty, Hunger and Buchenwald
It makes sens. I wonder how long it's going to take for enough people to see it.
Magdalena Zoeppritz