If the cause be not good…
Williams – a soldier: “But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and arms and heads, chopped off in a battle, shall join together at the latter day and cry all, ‘We died at such a place,’ some swearing, some crying for a surgeon, some upon their wives left poor behind them, some upon the debts they owe, some upon their children rawly left. I am afeard there are few die well that die in a battle; for how can they charitably dispose of anything when blood is their argument? Now, if these men do not die well, it will be a black matter for the king that led them to it; who to disobey were against all proportion of subjection.” King Henry the Fifth, Act 4, Scene 1
In the Editor’s Page another true tale from your editor’s baffling biography will, I hope, cheer as well as strengthen you for the worst in Current Events where…
Our friend, the anonymous writer of Girlblog from Iraq, describes how much more terrible Iraqi suffering is than we imagined. It is followed by an article by David Swanson with a provocative title including “oral sex”. It has nothing to do with oral sex, except in the comparison of Clinton’s peccadillo with Bush’s really impeachable crimes. An interview with The New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh follows his explosive article in the current issue about how much more dangerous the world has become due to the Bush administration’s insanity. Remember the movie “Syriana”? Well, Stash Luczkiw interviews Robert Baer, the CIA agent George Clooney portrayed in that flick. Then Tom Englehardt drives what should be the last nail in the Republican’s coffins.
“Features” features an article about the fate of Dr. Haing S. Ngor, the Cambodian who played himself in the movie “The Killing Fields”. Also a speech by Martin Luther King from back in the Vietnam war days, when he was one of the few notables to openly oppose it. One wonders why we don’t learn from the long history of past mistakes.
Under “Science and Philosophy” Steve Talbott is back after a long sabbatical to tell us, along with Craig Holdrege, about our scientific sloths, Don Cruse measures the distance between Karl Popper and Owen Barfield and Prof. Konrad Rudnicki continues his series about Cosmological Principles.
“Fiction”: Gaither Stewart and I are back with stories from opposite geographical locations – Berlin and Buenos Aires, and the serialization of Orwell’s “1984” continues.
In “Anthropsophy”, we offer three lectures by Rudolf Steiner containing things about the Roman Catholic Church which some people I know would prefer to ignore. If you’re one of them, I suggest you skip to his third lecture titled “The Fifth Gospel”. And if even that’s too much, a couple of autobiographical chapters are easier to digest, but not nearly as interesting.
A multimedia poem by Christopher Woods and Jeff Crouch, along with Goethe’s “Prolog in Heaven” in “Poetry” completes this edition. Goethe never heard of multimedia of course; but then he didn’t need it, did he?
You can find us under the
Southern Cross constellation in the Traslasierra Valley Province of
Córdoba, Argentina. Visitors always welcome. Just follow the sign that
reads: La Cruz del Sur. See you next time.
, Editor
, Associate Editor
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Ebook Library
of Contents
Paternostro's Promise Frank Thomas Smith
End Station Nostalgia Gaither Stewart
1984 - Part 2 Chap.4 George
Roman Catholicism - 3 lectures
Rudolf Steiner
The Fifth Gospel - Lecture 3
Rudolf Steiner
The Story of My Life -
14 & 15 Rudolf Steiner
Prolog in Heaven J. W. von Goethe
Hart Crane's Last Lover Christopher Woods/Jeff Crouch
