Number 66,
August - September 2009
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On another occasion he [Samuel Bergman] said: 'What is in store for us after we die? No-o-obody knows. At any rate with a knowledge that is susceptible of proof or demonstration. If I tell you this evening that I sometimes hear the voice of the dead and that it is much clearer and more intelligible to me than most of the voices of the living you are entitled to say that this old man is in his dotage. He has gone out of his mind with terror at his impending death. Therefore I shall not talk to you this evening about voices, this evening I shall talk mathematics: since no-o-obody knows if there is anything on the other side of our death or if there is nothing there, we can deduce from this complete ignorance that the chances that there is something there are exactly the same as the chances that there is nothing there. Fifty per cent for cessation and fifty per cent for survival. For a Jew like me, a Central European Jew from the generation of the Nazi holocaust, such odds in favour of survival are not at all bad.'
Last month we mused on Immortality and now we go a step further and take on Evolution in the �Editor�s Page�. You can find us under the
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of Contents Editor's Page Current
Events Our Suicide Bombers Features Heal the Kids - Oxford Speech The Train on the Top of the World El Hor�scopo Gripal del Profesor Salzano On Argument Science On Making the Genome Whole-2 Fiction Paternostro's Promise El Zahir Anthroposophy
and the Struggle for The Anthroposophical Movement - 1 La Misi�n de la Ciencia Espiritual Genesis VI Anthroposophical
Guidelines - IX Book Reviews Night Operation and Eager Spring A Tale of Love and Darkness Poetry The Art of Poetry
Arte Po�tica The Beach of Leftist Intellectuals |