Southern Cross Review

Review of fiction, education, science, current events,
essays, book reviews, poetry and Anthroposophy

Number 67, November - December 2009

"The Milkmaid" - Johan Vermeer (Holland 1632 - 1675)

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"He would be a coward who withdrew from the challenges, sacrifices and dangers his people had to endure, but he would be no less a coward and traitor who betrayed the principles of the life of the mind to material interests � who, for example, left the decision on the product of two times two to the rulers. It is treason to sacrifice love of truth, intellectual honesty, loyalty to the laws and methods of the mind, to any other interests, including those of one's country. Whenever propaganda and the conflict of interests threatens to devalue, distort, and do violence to truth as it already has done to individuals, to language, to the arts, and to everything else that is organic and highly cultivated, then it is our duty to resist and save the truth, or rather the striving for truth..."

From "The Glass Bead Game" - Hermann Hesse

Welcome to our tenth anniversary issue! If you're curious about what the first issue looked like, check it out: SCR Number One. At that time the intention was to make SCR bilingual (English/Spanish), but unfortunately it didn't work out.
The "Editor's Page" in the current issue describes an expatriate's return home (to New York City) only for a visit, but still...after all, he's me!
In �Letters� there's praise and criticism of Keith Francis's evolution lectures...among other things.
�Current Events� includes an article by Tom Englehardt prophesying the demise of �American Triumphalism�; information about anthroposophist Nicanor Perlas's candidature for president of the Philippines; and an article by Kaye Thomson about the cruel results of the war in Sri Lanka.
Under �Features� Gaither Stewart rediscovers the Italian cinema, concentrating on Roberto Rosselinni.
�Science�: Steve Talbott provides interesting new information about evolution theory and what color has to do with it.
Under �Fiction� Gaither Stewart and I go romantic � not that we weren't always � but not together.
In the �Anthroposophy� section, many readers will be surprised to find a connection between anthroposophy and Startrek. Leave it the Tarjei Straume, a.k.a. Uncle Taz, to find it. Also several items by Rudolf Steiner.
We have one �Book Review� this issue � about an �economic hit man.
And "Poetry" brings up the rear, as usual � with poems by Walt Whitman and Hermann Hesse. It would be hard to find two more different styles and individuals.

You can find us under the Southern Cross constellation in the Traslasierra Valley, Province of C�rdoba, Argentina. Visitors always welcome. Just follow the sign that reads: La Cruz del Sur.

, Editor

, Associate Editor

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Table of Contents


Form and Color in the Animal Kingdom
Steve Talbott


Evermore - a romance
Frank Thomas Smith

A Bright Apartment in Munich
Gaither Stewart


Star Trek and Anthroposophy
Tarjei Straume

The Raising of Lazarus
Rudolf Steiner

The Anthroposophical Movement - 2
The Unveiling of Spiritual Truths

Rudolf Steiner

Genesis VII
Secrets of the Bible Story of Creation

Rudolf Steiner

Book Reviews

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
by John Perkins


Manhattan Faces and Eyes Forever
Walt Whitman

Poems from "The Glass Bead Game"
Hermann Hesse