This 1907 painting, "Nu bleu", was burned in effigy at the Armory Show in Chicago in 1913. We're not worried though: how can you burn something in effigy on the web? Not being familiar with Chicago, where life was cheap and morals dear, Matisse must have been suprised. After all, he was active in the great gathering of artistic talent in Montparnasse (Paris), even though he did not quite fit in with his conservative appearance and strictly bourgeois work habits.

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In the "Editor's Page", see what a certain day is like here at the tail end of the world.
"Fiction" comes next, and with a surprise. J. D. Salinger died recently so I have the impression that he won't mind if we offer one of his early stories. He'll shrug, so to speak, if his wings don't get in the way - or he might even be pleased. He was, after all and despite his meager output, one of America's great literary icons, in a class with Faulkner and Hemingway. So he's history and as such has the right, no, the responsibility to let his work be studied and enjoyed now that his privacy is infinite. So perhaps he and, more importantly, his estate, will either not notice or choose to look the other way, especially as we are doing it with love and admiration sans squalor or profit.
"Children's Corner" ("Rinc�n Infantil") is back with a story once told to my unconscious by the fabled knight, Sir Gawain.
Our "Current Events" page still isn't in a happy mood. First William Astore tells us about how the U.S. military (and most others as well) gets its tactics from the Germans of yore. Then Gaither Stewart, on somewhat more shaky ground (imo), foresees a new cold war with the same old protagonists: Russia and the United States. And Nick Turse and Tom Engelhardt see 666 rising above the horizon in Afghanistan.
Under "Features", see my analysis of one of the reasons the world's airlines (and passengers) are in such an unenviable position. I admit, though, that you may be more interested in the Madam President of Argentina's comparison of pork and Viagra. Vegetarians beware!
In "Science" Eugene Wigner wonders whether mathematics are overrated in determining the truth of theories, and if we really know what we think we know.
Anthroposophy: Some of you will remember that we have been offering bits and pieces of my new translation of Rudolf Steiner's �Anthroposophical Guidelines� (called �Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts� in an older version). The translation is now finished, so you can receive it by clicking on the link under Contents, or � if you can't wait � here.
And don't miss a lecture by Steiner about earthquakes, a topical subject if there ever was one. We also continue the Genesis and Anthroposophical Movement lectures.
Mythology offers a myth by Ovid, and Poetry a long poem by T. S. Eliot.
Frank Thomas Smith, editor
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C�rdoba, Argentina. Visitors always welcome. Just follow the sign that
reads: La Cruz del Sur.
, Editor
, Associate Editor
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so we can advise when the next issue is ready. It's free of charge.
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences Eugene Wigner
Mephistopheles and Earthquakes
Anthroposophical Guidelines (E-book)
The Anthroposophical Movement - 4 Spiritual Truths and the Physical World
Genesis IX Secrets of the Bible Story of Creation Rudolf Steiner
Pha�thon Ovid
Four Quartets T. S. Eliot