Number 45,
February-March 2006
In case anyone is still interested in Latin America, they can check out the “Editor’s Page” for a brief analysis, concentrating on Bolivia's president-elect, Evo Morales. William Faulkner’s Noble Prize speech was given a long time ago, is nevertheless reproduced under “Features” because we think he said something important, applicable even today. In the same section Paul Hein has something to say about creationism and intelligent design, a hot topic for some reason. “Fiction” offers short stories by the usual suspects: Gaither Stewart and Yours Truly (love stories - hmmm), as well as continuing serialized fiction, including George Orwell’s ‘1984’; also a plumed story in English and Spanish by Daniel A. Olivas. Under “Politics and Society” Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of Treasury during the Reagan administration, wonders who’s dumber – President Bush or the voters who put him where he is - (don’t miss this one). Martin Luther King’s speech made during the Vietnam war is interesting, we feel, because one can not help comparing what was happening then when a few courageous people like King were appealing for peace from a Christian point of view and now. Iftekhar Sayeed’s article also has something to say about Christianity and Islam from a Muslim’s point of view. Gaither Stewart tells us what we didn’t want to know about Hamas and its recent electoral “democratic” success. The “Children’s Corner” offers a bilingual Slavic fairy tale which will surely sound familiar to those who remember the Grimm stories. Anthroposophy: Stanley Messenger, octogenarian philosopher, metaphysician, cereologist, offers an erudite and informed view of anthroposophy, the Anthroposophical Society and Rudolf Steiner. This is therefore an “insider” piece, but we think it will be of compelling to all who are in any way interested in anthroposophy or spiritual movements in general. A lecture by Steiner about science and astrology is included in the section as well as the continuation of his autobiography.
In "poetry" we present a couple of poems by one of our favorite poets: W. H. Auden. A kind of book review carries up the rear – to be read by all who don’t think cops are nice guys. You can find us under the
Southern Cross constellation in the Traslasierra Valley Province of
Córdoba, Argentina. Visitors always welcome. Just follow the sign that
reads: La Cruz del Sur. See you next time. Frank Thomas Smith, editor Jo Ann Schwartz,
associate editor
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the Escuela El Trigal, Argentina
of Contents Editor's
Page Things are Happening Features "I decline to accept the end of man." Creationism By Any Other Name Fiction Evermore The Lady From Milan The Frequent Flyer - 15 1984 - Chapter 5 Bilingual Fiction
The Plumed Serpent of Los Angeles La serpiente emplumada Politics &
Society Democracy, Islam and Christianity Beyond Vietnam HAMAS Polls Show Many Americans Children's Corner
Los doce meses The Twelve Months Anthroposophy Lucifer and Ahriman Under the Bed The Relationship of the Diverse Branches of Science and Astronomy The Story of My Life -
6 Poetry As I Walked Out One Evening Book Review
The Electric Sewer |